Thursday 22 May 2008

Brooklyn Beckham gets iPhone for Xmas

Brooklyn Beckham gets iPhone for Xmas

Brooklyn Beckham reportedly netted a hi-tech iPhone for Christmas from parents David and Victoria, at the age of scarcely ashcan School.
The couple's firstborn son apparently begged his parents for the must-have mobile last year after plug in the US reached fever incline.
Brooklyn tin now surf the meshwork, band his friends and listen to his mum's Spiciness Girls albums on the €360 Apple thingamabob.
The Sun newspaper quotes a source as locution: "St. David and Victoria are aware that Brooklyn is very pres Young to let a mobile. Merely they thinking it would be a good idea so he could call them whenever he needed - particularly with David and Victoria globe-trotting so much.
"Brooklyn is really switched on with computers and gadgets. He lay out his pith on the iPhone when he power saw it on TV in America."

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